lArchive erased. You have typed a wrong key for 3 times. Please contact %s to obtain a new copy of this file.Wrong CZIP key."Wrong CZIP key. %s chance(s) left.%Error while creating the SFX archive.!Insert files into the "%s" folder Copy of %sUUnable to proceed: ZOO.EXE is missing. It must be installed through the option panel.What's happening?–This archive format ("%s") can be read from ZipGenius, but it requires an external program to change its content. Open the help file to get more info.New archive name is "%s".'Did the antivirus program find a virus?Press "ESC" to abort.ABackup already existing: do you want to overwrite the older file?KThis archive contains a backup of Outlook Express e-mail and news messages.QTo restore them you have only to extract them using the "Use Stored Path" option.SWARNING! If you can't see some message after restoring them, this could depend from